Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Blog, New Goals!

Wow! That's alot of newness! Happy 2012!
New Blog
 I decided to start this blog to have my own little place for my ideas, things I love, and to share my wobbly walk through this life with anyone who might be interested. Maybe that's you, maybe you'll read this post and never again return, but my hope is that whoever visits here will leave with something positive added to their lives. Whether it's a new idea, encouragement, or just a laugh! (I can be funny sometimes!) 

Goals for 2012
Ooh..goals are scary to me! If I set a goal there is always that creeping possibility probability that I will not reach my goal,  which in turn leads to that ever frightening "F" word...FAILURE! But, as a wise (and slightly wacky) man once said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else." Lewis Carroll  So, with that in mind I am going to share my goals with you, in hopes that doing so will bring an added element of accountability and decrease the probability of the "F" word..so here goes!
-Lose 25 lbs.
-Become better organized with my time and household
-Go to bed earlier
-Wake up earlier
-Have DAILY time with God in the morning
What are some of your goals? Are you brave enough to share them with me?
Or are you too afraid of the "F" word? Come on take a leap of faith with me!


  1. Please share your goals with me! Let's keep eachother accountable!

  2. great job lady!
    i am doing a thing on the website i told you about...i keep forgetting to give you the url and info about it! i will do that today.
    it is 36 in 366 - 36 things i want to change in 2012. i will also send that to you. it's way too long and too personal to share on here. ;)
    love you!

  3. Our goals are scary similar! =) I want to get at least 20 minutes of GOOD exercise every day; be more disciplined in my housekeeping (like just doing it!; go to bed by 10 so that I will be able to get up with the kids on school days and make them eat a decent breakfast (did I mention I'm a lazy mom?); do my devotion every morning and bible reading with the kids in the evening. I know there will be days when I fail in probably more than 1 of these categories so I'm not going to beat myself up for it. I'll just start over the next day and keep going - that's the beauty of God's grace... lots of second chances!
    ~Kim Hunter

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